Identified secondary metabolite regions

Region Type From To Most similar known cluster Similarity MIBiG BGC-ID
The following regions are from record NZ_DS981518.1:
No secondary metabolite regions found
The following regions are from record NZ_DS981517.1:
Region 1 Pora 112786 136349
Region 2 Aaa_reductive 296958 342437
Region 3 Pora 962429 984606
Region 4 Proline2aminovalerate 1232632 1273319
Region 5 Leucine_reduction 1465228 1500152
Region 6 Tma 1581972 1615205
Region 7 Pora 2605572 2629090

NZ_DS981517 - Region 1 - Pora

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 1. Type = porA. Location: 112786 - 136349 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
porA: (minimum(6, [Fer4, Fer4_10, Fer4_6, Fer4_7, PFOR_II, PGM_PMM_I, PGM_PMM_II, PGM_PMM_III, PGM_PMM_IV, POR, POR_N, TPP_enzyme_C, Transketolase_C]) and POR and POR_N and PFOR_II)


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes

NZ_DS981517 - Region 2 - Aaa_reductive

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 2. Type = AAA_reductive. Location: 296958 - 342437 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
AAA_reductive: (minimum(8, [Acyl-CoA_dh_1, Acyl-CoA_dh_2, Acyl-CoA_dh_M, Acyl-CoA_dh_N, AlaDh_PNT_C, BcrAD_BadFG, Branch_AA_trans, CoA_transf_3, ETF, Fer4, Fer4_12, Fer4_16, Fer4_2, HGD-D, Hacid_dh, Hacid_dh_C, HpaB_N, NAD_binding_2]) and HAAA1 and HG2B2)


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes

NZ_DS981517 - Region 3 - Pora

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 3. Type = porA. Location: 962429 - 984606 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
porA: (minimum(6, [Fer4, Fer4_10, Fer4_6, Fer4_7, PFOR_II, PGM_PMM_I, PGM_PMM_II, PGM_PMM_III, PGM_PMM_IV, POR, POR_N, TPP_enzyme_C, Transketolase_C]) and POR and POR_N and PFOR_II)


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes

NZ_DS981517 - Region 4 - Proline2aminovalerate

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 4. Type = proline2aminovalerate. Location: 1232632 - 1273319 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
proline2aminovalerate: (minimum(2, [GRDB, Gly_reductase, Pro_racemase]) and Pro_racemase and Gly_reductase)


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes

NZ_DS981517 - Region 5 - Leucine_reduction

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 5. Type = Leucine_reduction. Location: 1465228 - 1500152 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
Leucine_reduction: (minimum(5, [Acyl-CoA_dh_1, Acyl-CoA_dh_2, Acyl-CoA_dh_M, Acyl-CoA_dh_N, AlaDh_PNT_C, BcrAD_BadFG, CoA_transf_3, ETF, FGGY_C, FGGY_N, Hacid_dh, Hacid_dh_C]) and minimum(2, [HleuD1, HleuD2, HleuS1, HleuS2]))


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes

NZ_DS981517 - Region 6 - Tma

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 6. Type = TMA. Location: 1581972 - 1615205 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
TMA: (minimum(8, [Aldedh_7_tma, BMC, Fer4_12, Fer4_14, Fer4_16, Fer4_21, Fer4_7, Fer4_9, Gly_8-9_TMA, PFL-like, PduV-EutP, RSAM_130_tma]) and PFL-like and Gly_8-9_TMA and Aldedh_7_tma)


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes

NZ_DS981517 - Region 7 - Pora

Region description

NZ_DS981517 - Genomic region 7. Type = porA. Location: 2605572 - 2629090 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
porA: (minimum(6, [Fer4, Fer4_10, Fer4_6, Fer4_7, PFOR_II, PGM_PMM_I, PGM_PMM_II, PGM_PMM_III, PGM_PMM_IV, POR, POR_N, TPP_enzyme_C, Transketolase_C]) and POR and POR_N and PFOR_II)


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
resistance genes
other genes